Tweetle Dumb: Valentine’s Day Edition

February 14, 2013

I remember when I was young and I really though that the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day was to grab a girl to go to dinner with and then see a movie… or vis versa, depending on what part of my night I didn’t want to hear her nagging. Anyway, as a Valentine’s Day tribute, here are some of the best tweets I found about movies…


First of all… having your name as Dyldo the Great is hilarious. Bonus points! Second of all, this dude really needs a hug or something because he’s obviously suicidal if he’s comparing his miserable day to the catastrophe that was the Valentine’s Day film. Cheer up!


How to lose a “gut” in 10 days, huh? Strangely, I bet that would’ve sold a lot more (with more critical praise) than How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.


On Valentine’s Day, anything is possible.


Wait… is this some kind of knock-knock joke? When a movie hits you a bit too close for home,WHO?! Or did she (he?) forget the #ftw hashtag? Or maybe the not-so-well-known hashtag #sdiwtkm (so depressed i want to kill myself). I don’t know, this tweet just confused me.


I know you’re limited to only 140 characters in Twitter, but “B. Willis”? Really? Because I’ve never heard anyone call the Die Hard actor as anything but Bruce Willis. He’s one of those full name actors like Johnny Depp or Will Smith where you just need to say the whole name… not like Denzel.


What’s so funny about that? She states the obvious (yes, people want to see new movies) and then laughs uncontrollably at it. I don’t get it, just as much as I don’t get why she has two “x”s in her first name.


For the last tweet in this Tweetle Dumb post, I must point out Niki’s love for the film, Blue Valentine. Aside from it sharing the word “Valentine,” there is NOTHING romantic about this film at all. Honestly, I’m doubting Niki has actually seen Blue Valentine. Yes, it’s a very good film, but to hashtag #romance just makes everything too unbelievable. Oh, what a great time to plug one of my past posts!

Blue Valentine made my lose my faith in love.

The Walking Dead – “The Suicide King”

February 14, 2013

Season Three, Episode Nine


Grade: B-

Is it safe to say that The Walking Dead is the most interesting show with one-dimensional characters? I think it is. How are they one-dimensional? Please, don’t get me started.

The second half of the sophomore season continues right where we left off. Merle and Daryl are thrown against each other by the Governor, only to be saved by Rick and his gang. No surprise there because in a show that no one is really safe in, did you actually think Daryl would be offed here? If you’re a main character, you’re not exempted from dying, but you will get your due in a drawn out scene ala Shane or Lori.

What does happen isn’t exactly shocking either. After saving the brothers, Rick doesn’t trust Meryl to have him join the group, but at the same time Daryl can’t leave Meryl again. So the two brothers separate from the group as they return to the prison. At the prison, we see how good a guy Tyrese is and how willing they are to join Rick’s group. Everything makes sense to have them join, especially because the group is weak without Daryl. But right when it looked like Rick was coming around to the idea, he sees a ghost (of Lori?) and flips out, forcing Tyrese and his troop out of the prison.

This wasn’t a terrible episode, but there was a lot to be desired. No surprises and if Michonne remains mute then might as well just kill her off. We all know Daryl isn’t going to be far away from the action, but let’s hope he’s reunited with the group sooner than later. As for Woodbury, the place has become chaotic and it was quite hilarious (unintentionally) when Andrea calmed the town down with a speech. I get how this was an episode to get everyone back up to speed but something that The Walking Dead does not do well is dialogue. The show is much more effective when there is action instead of words, unfortunately there was way too much talking here (I guess Michonne does have something right).

Okay, so Rick is obviously still going crazy and now Daryl is wandering the woods with his a-hole brother. The Governor is still a one-eyed creep and I just assume he’s plotting to swing back at Rick’s group. With Daryl out, Tyrese is probably the coolest character of the bunch, that is if Rick allows them to be. Other than that, Glen and Maggie are having problems and Andrea pleads for the Governor to lead, but doesn’t really know where her allegiance is to… not that it really matters.