The Weekly Top 5

June 29, 2009

1.  The boy who never grew up: Michael Jackson.  Here’s a nice written aftermath of Michael Jackson’s life by Roger Ebert.

2.  MTV’s Five Sequels That Don’t Suck.  In response to the vast negativity Transformers 2 is generating, MTV Movie Blog touches upon five sequels they actually like.  I agree with every one of them except Gremlins 2: The New Batch simply because I haven’t seen it.  But I applaud the MTV Movies Team for choosing great sequels like Toy Story 2 and Before Sunset.  Two of my favorite sequels of all-time.

3.  Oscar Best Picture Near Misses of the Past Decade. So the talk of the Oscar town has been about the decision to expand the Best Picture nominations from 5 to 10.  Seriously?  Doubling the number of nominees?  This got the MTV Movie Blog thinking about what films would’ve made the cut if there were more Best Picture nominees in the past decade.

4.  Darren Aronofsky’s “Black Swan” seems to be back on track.  Universal threw this project on the back-burner for a few years but with a rewrite by Mark Heyman and the lead role to Natalie Portman, who doesn’t want to check out this supernatural thriller about a veteran ballerina?  Come on!  Aronofsky back to the supernatural?!  Let’s see it happen!

5.  Dollhouse and Joss Whedon get help from Reaper creators.  Since CW’s Reaper is canceled, creators Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters have joined the writing staff of Dollhouse.  This is certainly good news for the low-rated, sci-fi show on Fox.  The only problem is that it still has the Friday death slot.  Throw Dollhouse a freakin’ bone!